Дата публикации: 10.11.2021

[Interlude] Сборка сервера aCis Project Всё для создания своего сервера LineAge


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Описание: Сборка сервера Lineage 2 Interlude от команды aCis Project Разработчик: aCis Project Платформа: Java Хроники: Interlude Версия: v.202 Размер: 15.3 Мб Залито на: rghost




Formulas fix, quests, misc Formulas fix (skill success) - those formulas are now based on L2JFree, and then tweaked (pure custom following my own tastes). The "pure custom" can afraid you, but both L2JFree and L2J are custom, from IL to hi5. And both don't fit with my own knowledge of L2 (L2JFree doesn't impact enough, L2J impacts *far* too much as some of you correctly warned me - fighterboss :p). - difference of levels got a real impact (negative is even bigger than positive) from now. Enchant and matkModifier doesn't break the harmony of the formula. I can't assure you won't have 10% luck with +500 weapon ofc... - skill success is now 1% to 99% max. - magic success is now heavily affected by level of skill or level of player. You can't do 100% damage using Wind Strike at high level for exemple. - the whole calculation has been seriously reduced for the best performance (as MEN/STR squares precomputed). - calcSkillVulnerability is now a %, not a fockin addition anymore. Previously 50% base - 40%. Now, 50% base * 0,6. Simple. ALL USED FORMULAS ARE FULLY EXPERIMENTAL. I TESTED THEM FOR ONE DAY, BUT PERHAPS I MISSED THE BEHAVIOR OF A SPECIAL SKILL AND SUCH. Quests - use of a new "system" to make quests. Many quests are now faster (avoid to read deeper in quest) and consumes less RAM (avoids int). - All bypasses which needed a security check (about clan and/or with warehouse check) are secured. - The maximum of retail messages have been used (which avoids string uses). - One unused table dissapears, and auction.sql got 3 columns dropped. - The lease is correctly removed when you put an auction in sell. As retail, you receive back your lease only if the CH is sold. Spawnlist - Added 12~ spawns (Fortress of the Dead, mainly). - Dropped all mobs initially spawned on Siegable Clan Halls (around 100+). They must be spawned via their own SQLs. Misc - Baium's Archangels aren't invul anymore. After all, they each got 50% Baium's HPs and a heal skill. Who would be stupid to kill 3,5 Baium. - Autosoulshot behavior is OFF-like. - CP/HP/MP are correctly filled at character creation (0/max/max). - L2DoorInstance onAction behavior is OFF-like. - mini tweak in L2AttackableAI, I hope it won't fock something. - CharSelected serverpacket cleanup (2 infos added, and 8 empty/useless writeD are dropped). - Addition of formatDate method to format the date as you want on a String (avoid String.valueOf and easier readability). PS : I'm aware there are stills issues on auction (like the 7 days period where you can't put back an auction, missing comment use).Let's say from 80%, I moved to 90%.



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