Дата публикации: 02.12.2021

How To Have ‘That’ Conversation


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Usually, if someone is your boyfriend, that’s a pretty good sign of liking someone. Do you like him back? Tell him you like him.

When you need him, he will set aside time for you even if it’s only for a 3-minute call. He’ll make time to listen because he knows that you need.

Three main qualities go with being in love: attraction, closeness, and commitment. Relationships can be about any or all of these. Attraction is the “chemistry” part of love. It’s all about the physical — even sexual — interest that two people have in each other. Relationships that are based on attraction alone are usually more about fun and infatuation than real love. Conventional wisdom says that, for guys in their early teens, relationships are mainly about physical attraction.

Our survey showed that this “conventional wisdom” doesn’t mean all guys fall into this mold. First, we saw that it’s not just younger guys who go mainly for the way someone looks or their physical attributes: We had a few older guys say they were most interested in looks. And most of the year-old guys in our survey say they appreciate a person’s inner qualities, like kindness and intelligence.

For example, Marley, 13, said the reason he loves his GF is a combination of her inner and outer qualities: “She’s deep and has real emotions, she acts herself and doesn’t act fake,” he told us.

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