Дата публикации: 02.12.2021

How To Firmly But Respectfully Turn Down Someone Who Won’t Stop Asking You Out


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Over time, you will start to resent other people when they keep asking you for favors. Your self-respect will also take a battering. You can be polite whilst respecting your own needs at the same time! Use this simple formula: Start by thanking the other person for thinking of you, give a polite refusal, and then end on a positive note.

This is a gracious reply that preserves your friendship while making it clear that you will not be granting them a favor.

Dating is hard! Awkward! Weird! But the only thing harder, more awkward, and weirder than dating (which, okay, can also be fun and pleasant.

There are different situations in life, especially in terms of dating . As a rule, a man takes the initiative, gets acquainted with a lady and starts a relationship if they like each other. But sometimes there is an opposite situation. Therefore, he asks himself: how to say no to a date nicely? Actually, in such a situation, a man can refuse as he wants. And here are some ways how to do it right. You communicate with a girl and you are satisfied with a friendly relationship.

But here she offers you to meet or asks you out. This, of course, is great, but not every guy likes when the initiative is not shown by him. If a girl hurries events and admits that she wants to go with you to the cafe, making unambiguous hints at the seriousness of her intentions, you need to know how to nicely say no to a date so as not to spoil friendly relations with her. So, what to do?

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