Дата публикации: 26.11.2021

A Brief History of Courtship and Matchmaking in America


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Dating rituals include dating -courtship methods that are regularly enacted. We explored gender and race differences in the relative importance placed on certain symbolic activities previously identified by the dating literature as constituting such rituals. Men, overall, place more emphasis on gifting, as well as sexual activity.

Gender differences, however, are significantly greater among African Americans 1 as compared to Whites in our sample. African American respondents are also significantly more likely than White respondents to associate meeting the family with a more serious dating relationship.

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Used by permission of the publisher. For personal use and not for further distribution. Please submit permission requests for other use directly to the publisher. Courtship customs in North Carolina have generally followed the same trends evident in the rest of the United States, with slight differences owing to the historically agrarian and rural nature of the state.

Activities deemed appropriate and conducive to courting were influenced by the leisure activities of the general population, such as barn raisings, county fairs, and hayrides. Other early leisure activities where couples could exchange glances and perhaps become acquainted were religious revival and camp meetings ; school talent exhibitions; ball games; bicycle, horseback, and buggy rides; ice skating outings; strolls or promenades; and church ” dinners on the grounds. A custom that flourished in the New England states and that may have been practiced in rural North Carolina areas was “bundling,” or allowing a fully clothed couple to “laugh and whisper together in bed, under supervision.

The practice died out in the early s as bigger houses with front parlors became the norm. Disdain from outsiders and pressures from clergy also hastened bundling’s demise. Two innovations that dramatically changed courtship practices in the state and nation were automobiles and the movies. With the appearance of the automobile, particularly closed cars, a couple’s “mobile parlor” enabled them to attend parties and dances in towns miles away.

Driving became a favorite pastime and, coupled with a leisurely picnic, an ideal courting activity. The automobile provided the means to conduct the private act of courtship in the public world. Going to the movies was “buying dark and privacy in a crowd.

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