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Hundreds of academics give advice to their younger selves


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Please contact staff by email. Join Login. This is the typical response from faculty members and administrators who are asked how much undergraduate students should work at paying jobs while attending college. Available research supports this recommendation. Quantitative studies consistently show that retention rates are higher for students who work a modest number of hours per week ten to fifteen than they are for students who do not work at all or those who work more than fifteen hours per week.

Sep 26, – You probably deserve a PhD in crisis counselling.

It’s not easy dealing with money in a relationship. Figuring out who pays for what can be even trickier when one person makes a lot more than the other. Some couples re-evaluate dating and money as various life factors pop up, like when rent goes up or one person gets a raise. There’s no single perfect solution that works across the board for every couple.

But if you’re struggling to figure out exactly how to navigate finances in your own relationship, it can be helpful to hear how other women handle money with their partners. Ilana, 23, is a clinical psychology doctoral student engaged to a PhD student in behavioral neuroscience. Another couple, Sadaaf and Sophie, both 24, also will reconsider when they’re both more set in their fields.

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