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Researching Ghanaian Law. Victor Essien holds LL. Hons , LL. Ghana , LL. NYU degrees. He was admitted to the Ghana Bar in

Nigerian Army forces man a checkpoint to protect Sunday Christian Modern Nigeria emerged through the merging of two British colonial territories in and impose Islamic Sharia law on non-Muslims date back to colonial times. and their freedoms, guaranteed in the Nigerian constitution, curtailed.

Since its independence in , Nigeria has struggled unsuccessfully to clearly articulate the relationship between religion and the state. Whereas the British colonialists seemingly bequeathed to the new nation-state a secular regime at independence, the internal contradictions, which, paradoxically were propagated by the colonial authority, incubated to pose a challenge to the new state soon thereafter.

This article therefore seeks to situate the legal and constitutional frontiers of state—religion relations in Nigeria. It is intent on delineating the conceptual boundary between religion and politics, while evaluating the impact of the current relationship on national security. The article advocates for a moderate secular regime—by whatever name—that is constitutionally defined and institutionalized.

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